Friday, 9 December 2011


I have recently heard that the OFM is shifting to an enforcement focus.  This is to align itself with the MOL.  There go the bureaucratic friends of Ontario firefighters.  I am sure that this is a result of the Meaford investigation.  There is a saying that the Fire Service history is 100 years of staunch resistance to change.

Give us time to catch up.

This a quick synopsis that I wandered into on beebewitz's blog.  The info is from Firefighting in Canada.  Here is the article.


  1. They've been on the enforcement path with the general public for some time now, and admittedly getting results. I'm not sure that the same approach will work for fire departments though, especially small ones. You can't squeeze water out of a stone.

    Welcome to the blogsphere, btw. I only know of one other Ontario blogger promoting the volunteer service. Every voice is a welcome addition.

  2. I believe that the population is fixated on something that they don't understand. Taxes. Everyone complains about paying them, and votes accordingly, while being unaware of the benefits that taxation dollars provide to society. Everything cost more now.

    The enforcement drive of the MOL and the (rather unfortunate) shift of mentality of the OFM, could provide the impetus for elected politicians to make a very unpopular move. The an increase in the amount of taxes collected. The dollars raised by a municipality stay in that municipality.

    If people can stop being afraid and angry when ever they hear the "T" word, then departments can grow with the times and continue to provide effective and efficient services in a safe manner.
